An Investment in Yourself When you decide to give counseling a try, you are deciding to make an investment in yourself. The investment of time, money, and effort may result in lasting change for the better in your mood, relationships, school or career success, general health and sense of well-being. No one can make guarantees about individual outcomes; much of it is up to you. It is important that you are able to develop a solid and trusting relationship with the counselor you see. I you are concerned about making an investment before meeting with a counselor in person, we understand. Feel free to request a free, face-to-face consultation with any one of SoCo’s Counselors.
Fees vs Value Therapists at SoCo will work with you to find a fee schedule that is affordable to you and allows your therapist to provide the quality and frequency of service that will best fit your needs, from start to finish. The value of your experience is largely determined by your approach to the process. If you have any concerns about whether you will get your money’s worth, talk to your counselor about what you can do to make the most of your therapy experience. We are invested in you.
About Insurance SoCo Counseling does not contract with any health insurance companies, which means we are not “in network” with your insurance plan. This helps us keep our fees lower overall, for everyone. By working directly with you, the client, rather than a third party payee, we avoid the a number of restrictions insurance carriers impose on client care and confidentiality. For instance, insurance companies often:
- Impose time limits of 45 minutes per session
- Limit frequency of visits to one per week (back-to-back sessions not allowed)
- Will only cover individual therapy (rather than couples or family member sessions)
- Allow for a limited number of sessions per year
- Reimburse service providers only for clients who are diagnosed with a mental illness or disorder
- Require updates on your status, and may refuse claims if you no longer meet diagnostic requirements
- Consume 1/3rd of the average insurance provider’s work week, time we prefer to spend with you!
- Pay providers a fraction of the customary fees, thereby encouraging providers to give assembly-line style care and treatment, or to collect higher fees from the uninsured
If your insurance plan offers “out of network” reimbursement, please inquire with us about making a claim. We’ll be happy to assist you in seeking reimbursement from your insurance provider.
Our standard fees are as follows:
Income-based sliding fee scale sessions are often available. Feel free to discuss this with your Counselor. If you are in need of very low fee sessions, we will be happy to provide you with a referral.
Call to inquire about fees for off-site services.
Advanced Professional Counselors:
- Individual: Initial Assessment — $150.00
- Individual Psychotherapy < 1 hour — $150
- Individual / Relationship < 60 minutes — $175
- Individual / Relationship therapy < 1.5 hours — $220
- Relationship/Couples Counseling/Family Therapy: Initial Assessment — $165.00